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    « Magical Moments: aka Lias Wedding | Main | Doing the Tsunami Tango in American Samoa: Part I »

    September 01, 2009


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    Terri Potts

    Hi, Wayne!

    This is Terri from sans cles. We met in Barillas, El Salvador last year. Just happened to find your website and took a look. Wanted to drop you a line to say "hi" and "wow!" Look where you are now!. We're in the Dominican Republic...or I should say our boat is there. We're physically in Oregon visiting family and friends during the hurricane season, but expect to be back underway in November. Heading south down the Eastern Caribbean.

    Good to see everything is going well for you. I'll put the site in my favorites to keep following.

    Our best wishes,

    Terri & Lyman
    sans cles

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